Home Scandal and Gossip AL husband pretends wife is missing before admitting strangling her

AL husband pretends wife is missing before admitting strangling her

Stephen Miller Sr, Dothan, Alabama man charged with the strangling death of wife, Gloria Miller.
Stephen Miller Sr, Dothan, Alabama man admits strangling missing wife, Gloria Miller after his story falls apart.
Stephen Miller Sr, Dothan, Alabama man charged with the strangling death of wife, Gloria Miller.
Stephen Miller Sr, Dothan, Alabama man admits strangling missing wife, Gloria Miller after his story falls apart.

Stephen Miller Sr, Dothan, Alabama man admits strangling missing wife, Gloria Miller to death after his story began to fall apart. 

An Alabama man who called police to report his wife missing over the weekend has relented after investigators called ‘b*llshit’ on his story, leading to the husband to ceding he had strangled her to death before dumping her body at a creek bed miles away.

Stephen Miller Sr, 64, of Dothan, prior to the discovery of his wife’s body appeared on local media, sharing photos of his ‘missing’ wife, Gloria Miller and saying how much ‘he hoped’ that she would be found and return to him.

It wasn’t until Tuesday that police said the husband’s claims made no sense, with the husband relenting and admitting murdering his wife of 30 years after a physical altercation got out of hand, WTVY reported.

History of ongoing domestic violence 

‘Late Saturday evening there was an altercation that took place … that altercation turned physical,’ Dothan Police Lieutenant Ronald Hall told reporters.

Having strangled his wife, the husband loaded the body into his pick up truck and drove to Genevea County to dispose of Gloria Miller’s body.

‘He basically knew his (claims) were not adding up and he basically knew that he had no choice (but to confess),’ Hall said.

In a press release the Dothan Police Dept said investigators recovered Gloria’s body approximately one mile inside Geneva County on Geneva County Road 68 in a dry creek bed underneath a bridge.

Police said the couple had a history of filing domestic abuse complaints against each other several times during their 30-year marriage, WDHN reported.

Hall said Stephen had asked a judge to protect him from what he termed Gloria’s abuse only to soon after drop his requests.

‘There’s a helpline for domestic violence and you can always call (police),’ Hall said.

He praised officers for their relentless efforts to solve the case. ‘We had investigators all over the place,’ he said.

Miller has been charged with murder and was ordered held on a $1.5 million bond.