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Former Jeffco paraprofessional gets 4 years for sex assault & delinquency of disabled teen in her care

Imagine Kay Ewer, former Jeffco paraprofessional sentenced over sexual abuse and delinquency of teen in her care.
Imagine Kay Ewer, former Jeffco paraprofessional in Golden, Colorado sentenced to 4 years jail for sexual abuse and delinquency of disabled teen in her care.
Imagine Kay Ewer, former Jeffco paraprofessional sentenced over sexual abuse and delinquency of teen in her care.
Imagine Kay Ewer, former Jeffco paraprofessional in Golden, Colorado sentenced to 4 years jail for sexual abuse and delinquency of disabled teen in her care.

Imagine Kay Ewer, former Jeffco Public Schools paraprofessional in Golden, Coloriado sentenced to 4 years for sexual assault and delinquency of disabled teen in her care. 

A former Jeffco Public Schools paraprofessional in Colorado has pleaded guilty to charges in connection with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old ‘disabled’ boy in her care and introducing ‘drugs, alcohol, and weapons’ to their conversations.

On Friday, Imagine Kay Ewer, 28, was sentenced to four years in prison, followed by 10 years to life on Sex Offender Intensive Supervision Probation, after the former Golden, Colorado paraprofessional, school nurse and teaching assistant. pleading guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor and sexual assault on a child, according to the First Judicial District Attorney’s Office.

Ewer, who worked as a paraprofessional in special needs classrooms at Brady Exploration High School, was arrested in January 2024. According to The Denver Post. The school worker was initially charged with child sex assault, sexual exploitation of a child, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and unlawful electronic sexual communication. All charges are felonies.

The charges were in connection with allegations that Ewer sexually assaulted a 16-year-old Brady Exploration School student, whom she had been assigned to work alongside.

The case started in November 2023, when officers with the Lakewood Police Department responded to a report that a teacher had seen inappropriate writing on one of the victim’s worksheets. A criminal investigation revealed that Ewer showed favoritism toward the child, along with evidence of an ‘inappropriate relationship’ beginning around September 2023, the district attorney’s office said. Ewer had only started working at the school, a month earlier, in August of 2023 according to KDVR

Police found digital records of Ewer’s conversations with her victim that discussed deleting text threads, sharing drugs together, renting hotel rooms for private time together, and confirming their cover story.

‘Ultimately, the investigation revealed evidence of frequent sexual encounters, constant digital communication, inclusive of repeated derogatory remarks directed at the victim, and the introduction of drugs, alcohol, and weapons,’ read the district attorney’s office press release. 

On Nov. 25, 2024, Ewer pleaded guilty to two charges — contributing to the delinquency of a minor and sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust — with both parties agreeing to a stipulated four years in prison and at least 14 years, but up to life, of probation, according to the district attorney’s office. Those two charges are both class 4 felonies. As part of the plea agreement, the other charges were dropped.

The contributing to the delinquency of a minor charge stems from the evidence that showed Ewer introducing the 16-year-old victim to fentanyl and other substances, and their communications about using a firearm, Special Victims Prosecutor Brynn Chase explained. Within the thousands of messages they exchanged, Chase said the defendant said she wanted the victim ‘to bring a gun to their sexual encounters,’ and directed the teen to ‘bring the gun to school and shoot another faculty member in the leg.’

Chase argued that some issues in Ewer’s background should have ‘stood out to the school’ as red flags. Ewer worked for Jefferson County Public Schools from 2015 to 2023 in positions that included school nurse, paraprofessional and teaching assistant.

A special victims prosecutor in the DA’s office said in a press release that this was not the only time Ewer has been accused of unprofessional conduct with students. The prosecutor noted that within Jeffco schools, the case is not an isolated incident.

‘Over the past year, multiple individuals in positions of trust within Jefferson County have been accused and charged with similar offenses,’ Chase said. ‘While the school district plays a critical role in addressing and preventing such behavior, the criminal justice system’s ability to offer accountability only comes through collaboration and a common goal of safety.’

Addressing the court during sentencing on Friday, the victim’s mother stated:

‘The defendant preyed on my son, leading him to believe she genuinely cared for him, all while exploiting him for money and manipulating him into thinking he was ‘the one,’’ she said. ‘What makes this even more painful is that I trusted the defendant … had I known what was truly happening, I would never have allowed her such close access to him.’

Ewer apologized to the victim and his family at sentencing and said ‘This will never happen again,’ according to the DA’s office. She will become a lifetime registered sex offender upon release from prison.

Not immediately clear is what led to the female teaching assistant abusing her position of trust, power and authority and sexually preying and subjugating her male victim.