Kenyona Dillon, Middle River, Maryland mother strangles 11 year old daughter, London Olsen with plastic drain killer along with killing four pets days after disturbing Facebook posts.
A Maryland mother is accused of strangling her 11-year-old daughter with a plastic drain cleaner days after family members requesting a welfare check. The woman is also accused of bludgeoning four of the family’s pets during an incident earlier last week.
Kenyona Dillon, 34, of Middle River, is reported to have gone to neighbors on Thursday, saying that her daughter was dead in the basement. Police arrived and found the girl, identified as London Olsen, ‘with blood around her mouth and bruises on her body,’ according to the Baltimore County Police Department.
A plastic drain cleaner was found on the floor next to the girl’s body, with marks on the girl’s neck matching it.
Uncooperative, erratic behavior
Dillon was uncooperative, refusing to answer questions or identify other children found in the home.
‘Keyona Dillon was transported to BCoPD Headquarters to be interviewed, at which time she continued to display erratic behavior including exclamations about exposing child sex rings, transexuals, and the Proud Boys,’ a probable cause statement said according to The Baltimore Banner.
Three other children found in the home were not physically harmed, with a 5-year-old girl telling detectives that Dillon had beaten the family pets — two cats, a rabbit, and a dog — with a hammer and her knee the night before. The little girl said her mother put the animals’ bodies in the kitchen trash, where police found them.
The girl also told detectives she saw Dillon choking her sister and asked them not to tell her mother she told because she’d be mad.
Dillon at a later time told detectives that London had been having sex with the father of her other three children and that the 11 year old had killed the animals ‘to show Victim Olsen what would happen to her if she didn’t tell the truth,’ court documents stated.
The parent denied choking the 11 year old girl and said what the 5-year-old saw was her performing CPR on London.
Detectives according to court documents said they found no evidence of sexual abuse or any kind of sexual relationship between the dead girl and the father of the other children.
Court record indicated the mother ‘admitted that she killed the four animals to show victim what would happen to her if she didn’t tell the truth.’

Victim’s family had requested welfare check after mom increasingly disturbing behavior
Dillon following her arrest, was charged with first degree murder and was being held with no bond.
According to WBAL, Dillon demanded that she be allowed to represent herself at a bail review on Friday.
‘I’m representing myself. Y’all violated my rights,’ she told the court. ‘I am an indigenous sovereign of the land. You collected DNA without my permission. You are violating my rights.’
She told the court she didn’t want a public defender. The hearing ended with the judge ordering a mental evaluation.
Family members told the station that Dillon had made troubling statements in recent days and that they had contacted Child Protective Services. They said they believed a welfare check had been requested.
Posted the relative on Facebook: ‘In the days leading up to this devastating incident, Keyona exhibited alarming behavior. She posted disoriented and concerning messages on Facebook, and for three days, she went live making troubling statements, including threats to harm herself and her children. Recognizing the danger, I immediately took action by reaching out to anyone who could help.’