Gaming trends in 2022 and the spike in transmedia game adaptions as players, content creators and crossover media platforms capitalize on market demand.
The pandemic surely turned a lot of people into gamers. However, it’s not just the gamers that developed progress. Numerous changes were seen in the gaming industry as well. From mergers to the metaverse, 2022 brought some of the amazing trends that we’re about to look into:
Playing To Earn Business Model
One of the best trends that are engulfing the gaming market of today is the playing-to-earn business model. As evident from the name, now it’s not just about spending your entire day gaming.
Most gamers now stream their professional gameplay live on various streaming platforms such as Twitch. However, one must have a solid internet connection to stream gaming content and play simultaneously.
For that, we recommend you check out Windstream Internet which offers outstanding internet service with reliable connectivity and solid speed. Opting for it, you can surely stream your gameplay live and get an effective audience without any hassle.
Coming back to the topic, one can easily earn via gaming through streaming content, exchanging items, buying NFTs, etc. However, the reason why it’s limited to traditional trading is because of the pertaining risks in using NFTs, cryptocurrencies, etc.
The integration of these paying methods and transaction currencies makes it a hassle for the gaming platforms to fully implement such systems. However, it’s underway and we’re more likely to see these in the future.
Gaming and VR Sales
Another amazing trend under focus is the integration of VR and AR into gaming. Almost everyone is aware of the concept of VR and AR and with the advent of Metaverse, games may be highly focused on integrating them in the future.
We’ve already seen how Pokemon Go created waves in the domain of AR integrated games. However, it’s not just the gaming industry that’ll be benefiting from these integrations. Commercial elements including streaming services, betting services, etc. can increase their performance and client orientation by manifolds.
Giving consumers the experience of how games will be played and how one can participate virtually, in any event, will have a great impact on client acquisition. Ultimately, it’s going to lead to healthy growth in sales.
Speaking of sales, trading skins, items, Arcana, etc. can be done with VR and AR easily. Buyers and sellers can communicate via these modes as well as experience products in real-time too.
Spike in Transmedia
It’s not just the games that are remastered for a better approach to the old characters. Movies, TV shows, and much more are currently being remastered by game adaptions. We can take the example of Netflix’s The Witcher Season 2 which had so much in common with the game
In addition to this, we saw Borderlands, Fallout, Uncharted, etc. remastered in the best possible way from their game adaptations. This spike in transmedia is one of the most fascinating trends that one can ask for.
Not only this, but a lot of games such as PUBG, Fortnite, etc. are inspired in the same manner by other games, shows, anime, and more. Fortnite is a great example for hosting cameos from different dimensions such as Rick n Morty, Naruto, LOL, and so many more.
Considering this, one can easily accept the possibility of the rise in the trend of transmedia. From crossovers to media publications, this transition of various industries and elements gives an exclusive insight into what the future is bringing.
Potential for Market Growth
Another good reason to believe that the gaming industry will be booming exponentially is through the immense growth in transactional gaming. The gaming industry is targeting transactional growth via new releases, rewards for engagement, and integration of various platforms with it.
This can be assessed with the increased number of users online on the various multiplayer gaming platforms, cross-platform engagement, and expenses made over these platforms. Plus, the increased integration of cloud operations with gaming has given a new way of accessing and playing games wherever and whenever one wants.
The exclusiveness of battle passes such as Microsoft’s Game Pass, etc. and the use of various gaming titles from hosting platforms such as Steam has elevated the interaction between gaming communities manifold.
Introduction of NFTs and Blockchain
Cryptocurrency and NFTs are the talks of the town these days and it’s no surprise that these will become highly integrated within the gaming industry in the future. These are regarded as the next big thing and as highlighted earlier, the transactional safety while using these modes will be of great concern but taken care of.
The strong desire for creating numerous in-game experiences such as weapon purchases, cosmetics, avatar creations, etc. makes the use of virtual currency highly probable. It’s already underway and gamers are already trading in marketplaces using virtual wallets.
What’s next is the immense use of technology to enhance transactional performances between gamers and trading platforms. However, the risk of fraud and scams persists as it’s not just gaming platforms but betting sites too.
That is why the integration of NFTS, Blockchain and other concerned elements remains a great concern since it involves theft, laundering, and security issues that cannot be overlooked.
Closing Thoughts
Concerning technological advancements, it’s about time we look at some of the abovementioned trends in gaming with a great focus. Knowing when something’s about to happen can give an opportunistic boost to a gamer. For now, these trends catch the eyes and make the gaming industry even more fascinating than it already is.