How to Write a Biography Essay: 8 step process that ensures that you effectively research your paper, your subject matter’s life & how to best document their life story.
A biography essay is a paper where you tell the story of a person’s life. The person you are writing about can be a historical figure, famous actor, politician, artist, writer, or inventor. It is an opportunity to do research and find out interesting facts and opinions about someone. The biographical essay also aims to show who the person was or is and the contributions that he or she make to the world.
According to online writing jobs, in most cases, writing this type of essay is a homework assignment, but it can also be an attachment to an application or a literary debut. Whatever the reason, there are several key concepts and strategies to keep in mind as you write it. If you have never written one before, the following pieces of advice will come in handy. For general features of writing a professional biography essay, see this material.
How to Write a Biography Essay Step by Step
Before looking at the example of a biography essay, let’s review some points you need to pay attention to while writing – the following step-by-step guide to help you make your write a top-notch piece.
Step 1 – Choose your topic. The person you decide to write about must be living or dead, but most importantly, famous. Please note that you will need to study him or her; therefore, make sure there are enough materials (like articles or books). It would be best if you choose a person who you find interesting yourself. It will make it easier for you to get carried away with your research.
Step 2 – Do your research on the person. The more you read about your subject, the clearer you will be who they are, what they have accomplished, and why they are famous. However, different writers and authors will have different opinions and information about the person you choose. Therefore, it will be best to read a wide variety of sources. Also, as you explore, take notes of interesting facts, dates, events, names. Pay attention to strong opinions, especially if they conflict or contradict your topic.
Step 3 – Write your biography essay plan or an essay sketch. As with any other essay, you should follow the standard five-paragraph format (introduction, main body paragraphs, conclusion) unless otherwise indicated by your teacher or assignment. The essay outline will help you organize the information you gather through your research while considering what ideas to include in each paragraph.
Step 4 – Develop your thesis. A strong thesis for the essay is half of its success. If you are not sure how to write it correctly, visit the wr1ter.com blog for helpful tips and examples.
Step 5 – Write the introductory paragraph. It is your chance to engage your reader and inspire them to read your essay. An interesting fact from the biography can serve as a good start. If your paper is about a person or his/her work (s), you can begin like this:
It is unknown how the fate of Hypatia would have turned out if she had not chosen the study of mathematics as her life’s work.
Include your thesis in the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. Your thesis statement will be the crucial point of your essay. Therefore, please pay special attention to it.
Step 6 – Write the main body paragraphs. The main body is the part where you should incorporate the information and data you have gathered while doing your research. Thus, make sure you stick to the topic. Your plan will help you stay on the right track.
Besides that, you would want to educate readers about the person you write about, his/her interests, and lifestyle. Who were the people close to him/her? What did they say about this person? Does it differ from the point of view of the bibliographers?
Do not be afraid to include conflicting information to provide a fuller and more complex picture of your subject.
Step 7 – Write the conclusion paragraph. Here you can complete your essay and draw conclusions on your subject. Thus, try to end your essay with an outburst, not a flop. Do not just rewrite your thesis or points outlined in the leading paragraphs. Instead, go beyond that by linking the person’s work or legacy to modern life.
Step 8 – Proofread your essay to make sure there are no mistakes and misprints. It wouldn’t hurt to ask someone to read it too.
For a better understanding of how to write a biography essay, look at the following example of one:
George Washington: The Quiet American Hero
When George Washington was a boy, he loved to make up his own sayings. “Don’t rely on anyone” was one of them. As he got older, a strong sense of self-confidence and responsibility to his family, soldiers, and country changed Washington’s character. It gave him a silent strength that helped him direct the course of our nation.

Washington grew up on his family’s plantation in Virginia. In his youth, he decided to master the profession of a land surveyor. At the age of sixteen, George Washington set out on his first geodetic expedition. Sleeping outdoors and hunting for food made the teen more mature. This maturity and sense of responsibility were ideal qualities for a military leader.
Seven years later, Washington was already commanding general of the colonial forces of Virginia. Being six feet two inches high, he was a strong leader who inspired his people to defend the colony’s 350-mile western border.
In 1775, Washington’s leadership was called up once more. The Second Continental Congress appointed him the army commander-in-chief. From 1775 to 1783, his strength helped the soldiers overcome many challenges. The Washington forces ran out of supplies, and many soldiers deserted. The men were badly hurt during the freezing winter at the Forge of the Valley.
After Washington’s death, Thomas Jefferson said of the leader: “His honesty was the purest, and his justice was the most inflexible I have ever known.” Without this quiet American hero, with his strong sense of responsibility, our country’s early history would be very different.