Whoever Becomes President, Will They Get Impeached? Both presidential candidates are plagued with scandal, yet will those scandals stop once in office?
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both up to their throat wrinkles in scandals. Depending on your political affiliation, you are likely familiar with some of these. At this point in the election, it’s time to review what’s developing in both camps, both for education and entertainment. Let’s get right into it. These are the scandals oozing out of both political campaigns. We’ll likely miss a few. There are simply too many to name.
Clinton. Most recently, we’ve had worries about Clinton’s health. Did she have pneumonia, really? Does she have something more serious like Parkinson’s or some other serious ailment?
What’s going on with the Clinton Foundation. Did they accept money from dictatorships and America’s enemies in order to influence the behaviors of the State Department? Did Hillary cover-up violent sex scandals for her husband, silencing his rape victims? Did she knowingly develop an email server to hide state secrets, then destroy evidence that the American people and the US government need to know?
These sorts of questions really bother the American people, regardless of political preference. It’s all part of Clinton’s political legacy. The Clintons have always been secretive, hiding away from the media and trying to avoid scrutiny of those who would like to see them removed from power. While Bill Clinton had a way of charming the media, Hillary doesn’t have his natural public graces, at least when she appears on TV or has to answer questions spontaneously. Whatever the truth of these scandals, this character trait gives these brewing scandals an air of mystery and veracity.

Trump. Trump has just as many problems as Hillary, though because he has not been a politician until recently, most of these are not generally known.
Some of these came to light in the recent first debate between the two candidates. To review, Donald Trump might be woefully behind on his taxes, and might not be as rich as he said he is.
He might also be guilty of charity fraud, and might have used his Trump University as a way of earning money from vulnerable without ever providing them with a meaningful education. There are endless calls of sexual abuse from women in his life, and Trump has many times gone on record as disrespecting women in ways that are not in keeping with popular sentiment. He has also been a champion of various conspiracy theories and pseudo-science nonsense claims.
In the end, we’re likely going to have a President with lots of scandal. The media tends to paint a picture that when one of the candidates is chosen, these scandals will just disappear. But this isn’t actually true.
We know from history that scandals follow Presidents into office. We just have to look at Nixon to remember a campaign scandal that didn’t come to full bloom until he was in (and eventually removed from) office.
It’s likely that whoever is our next President will see many of the scandals of today as common conversation topics once they assume office. Both candidates are scandal factories, so expect to hear more from both even after the office is won/lost.