It seems our collective hero Shia LeBeouf has succumbed to meltdowns of meltdowns as the Hollywood actor took to a series of disingenuous behavior yesterday which included chasing a homeless man around NYC’s theater district, attending a production of Cabaret later that evening in a complete drunken stupor, attacking fellow theater goers, smoking during the show, crying in front of arresting officers, falling on his face as he attempted to evade arresting officers and later spitting at them upon being taken to taken to overnight jail.
Shia LaBeouf reluctantly checks into rehab cause he knew he had to.
Which presents the very awkward question; what exactly is going on with Shia LeBouf, one of Hollywood’s most accomplished actors?
According to TMZ yesterday’s mayhem came to begin circa 1pm when the actor turned up to local bar, the Iguana Club where the actor proceeded to down cocktail after cocktail with no food.
The bartender would tell that the actor was polite, tipped well, along with telling a server that he wasn’t a big soccer fan but wanted to be patriotic because he ‘had Belgian family.’
Having left the bar the Hollywood actor who by now was sporting a torn shirt proceeded to then chase a homeless man (yes kids, some of us have all the fun) around the Manhattan Theater district whilst shocked onlookers tried to make sense of what was going on.
Witnesses would tell it appeared the actor wanted either a bag of McDonald’s food or a baseball cap that the homeless man had. One even had come to believe that the actor must have been shooting a real film scene given the absurdity of the actor’s behavior.
At one point Shia LeBouf was overhead saying: ‘It’s me, Shia.’
From there the disheveled 28 year old actor made his way to a theater production of Cabaret staring Alan Cumming and Michelle Williams where he proceeded to yell obscenities at audience members all the while chain smoking during Cabaret’s first act.
From there the actor took to slapping theatergoers along with even hitting some on the back of the head before going backstage during intermission to slap the behinds of some actors he knew, including Alan Cumming.
Confronted by police officers who by now had been called to restrain the unruly actor, LaBeouf would scream: ‘F*** you… this is f****** b******t… Do you know my life?’
‘Do you know who the f*** I am?’,
As officers took to apprehending the actor who was increasingly acting belligerent, LeBeouf attempted to walk away only to fall flat on his face.
By now in custody, the disorientated actor was taken to the Midtown North precinct where The New York Post reports the actor told officers ‘I’ll f*** you up’ even calling one a ‘fag.’
From there the Transformers star proceeded to copiously spit at officers before being muzzled with a face mask for failing to stop spitting.
The actor would allegedly tell one cop: ‘I have millions and millions of dollars and attorneys… I’m going to ruin your career.’
Which is probably the biggest oxymoron considering that the actor after last night’s outburst may have indeed ruined his own career.
Arresting officers would tell the actor had acted in an agitated manner, was wildly incoherent, smelled bad and had proceeded to lie to them about having served in the military.
Strangely cops told how LaBeouf even began rapping a made-up song, repeating ‘I want to go out. I want to go out.’
Since last night’s buoyant escapades, Shia LaBeouf has come to be charged with criminal trespass, harassment and disorderly conduct. He was processed and released from a holding cell on Friday morning.
Since yesterday’s calamaties,the web has attempted to understand why the former child actor and Hollywood mainstay(at least until recently) who to date has exhibited previous minor meltdowns had the very public meltdown that he had, with many suggesting bipolar disease, addiction, rebellion, existential angst with other media outlets raising the specter of the actor’s reticence with his growing fame, attacks against his artistic integrity, fallouts with fellow actors (Alec Baldwin), theater producers and the actor’s all round general sense of disillusionment with his status as a Hollywood actor, which of course would not make him the first to go by the loony, erratic bin.
A spokesman for LaBeouf has since declined to offer comment on behalf of the actor told the New York Daily News.

And then there were these following comments on the web that made me wonder as well:
He got into acting to support his family, lost his way, and is now a nutcase. I don’t envy him nor do I pity him, but I understand the struggle he had before he was famous. Those demons are probably haunting him now as it would for anyone.
Free publicity for a neglected actor?
He’s an addict or alcoholic and needs help
A smug little man who is slowly realizing he just simply is not that good and will never be among the long-term noteworthy in his field. A fact that most of the rest of us in the real world have known for a while.
As you can see they are just PEOPLE like the rest of us, and in many ways filled with more problems that they are better at hiding. In this case, one of his problems got the best of him.
In another, they’re just people under pressure to always be on. They can’t be anonymous in public. People latch on to them to be seen with them, travel in their circle, hope to get into the business or advance their careers, etc.. People use them. How do you really know who your friends are when people see you as a commodity?
While I don’t follow his career, he certainly did seem to become cynical all too quickly and I can understand why.
I hope he gets his life together and stops his spiral of self-destruction. After all, there are people out here who have it far worse off than having to deal with fame.
Shia LaBeouf. Sorry. Doesn’t ring a bell.
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