US Airways flight 598 was forced to make an emergency landing after a service dog relieved itself at least twice in the plane’s aisle – causing travelers to become sick after being overwhelmed by the stench.
The flight originating out of Los Angeles and bound for Philadelphia took off Wednesday, and whilst most passengers took the West Coast, East coat trek in stride, it seems that one flight member, Truffles, a service dog couldn’t quite wait to reach their destination.
Tweeted one passenger, Chris Law: ‘The full sized dog that’s on my flight, well it did what dogs do & went to the bathroom when it felt like it,’
‘Smack dab in middle of aisle.’
Another passenger, Steve McCall, told Inside Edition: ‘About an hour into the flight, I started smelling this terrible smell. I thought it was the family in front of me – I have a little eight-month-old and I was like, “That is the worst blowout I have ever smelled”.
‘I look up the aisle way and there’s a dog pooping right in the middle of the aisle. It’s a big dog, three or four feet tall or long, and he was just going.”
Adding: ‘‘It wasn’t little pieces, it was fully-fledged dog-diarrhea.’
Oh dear. Kids are you also reaching for a quick swig of your chamomile tea too?
From there staff desperately tried to clean up the mess, using paper towels, disinfectant and then laying towels on top so that passengers could get by.
But, it gets better kids. Yes that’s right- Truffles had to go again.
‘The second time after the dog pooped they ran out of paper towels, they didn’t have anything else,’ McCall said. ‘The pilot comes on the radio, “Hey, we have a situation in the back, we’re going to have to emergency land”.’
The stink was so bad that passengers nearby started ‘dry heaving‘ and vomiting and the plane was forced to divert to Kansas City, Missouri, where a cleaning crew cleaned up the mess. The plane would eventually take off, finally reaching its destination.
Smarmed by the whole incident, the dog’s owner would communicate to flight passengers: ‘Hey, so sorry, I want to get all your addresses so I can give you a Starbucks gift card’
‘This is the most unique flight experience I’ve ever had.’