Irving Picard

scheme by so called Madoff feeder funds will find themselves on the outside looking in when reimbursements are dispersed. From the reclaimed proceeds, a sizeable pool will be created for Madoff Victims, or at least those who’s claims have not been disqualified for the reasons mentioned above and those who’s investments came in via the feeder funds and not into Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, LLP directly.

Further, if you are to believe the narrative, this is a simple case of one rogue,
evil and heartless Jewish Money manager who committed what has been labeled by other journalists as a “Shonda” upon his people. While there are certainly elements of truth to this, more accurately it can be argued that Bernie Madoffmensch like Jewishness, although others found him a schlub and a narcissist, and ties to the Jewish community to serve as a front (for the entire Madoff Criminal family enterprise or syndicate) along with his status as a market maker to create and maintain the perception of trustworthiness; a veritable shield against those who might question the methods of his madness. In fact, in certain circles his fund was akin to the “Jewish T-bill” and beyond reproachSEC. With all due respect to Abe Foxman (ADL), however, Madoff’s perceived standing as an honorable man and a veritable pillar of finance and charity in the Jewish community did in fact insulate him to a degree providing a cover for the Madoff criminal family enterprise. Madoff, however, represented no more Jewish values than he did the illusion of them or no more than Charles Manson represents the value of any Christian but that of a sociopath or monster, who hustled a false version of those values which should stop anti-Semites in their tracks.

Despite random deaths and suicides of key people in the Madoff criminal family enterprise from Palm Beach to Soho and Midtown Manhattan, and short of a photo of the inner circle emerging of them holding bags of cash, doing cocaine & partying with hookers at work while holding guns, most family members who held key insider positions of trust and or as officers and directors of BLMIS including: Andrew Madoff, Mark Madoff (deceased), Peter Madoff, Ruth Madoff, Shana Madoff Swanson, Carl Shapiro and Robert M. Jaffe, remain at large. Although in fairness to Robert M. Jaffe of Cohmad Securities he was probably just managing Pizza money for the Angiulo Brothers of Boston. So does Madoff accomplice Sonja Kohn. The surviving younger son of Bernie Madoff, Andrew “American Psycho” Madoff has operatives working behind the scenes to make him a sympathetic figure in the eyes the public. Even the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) will “give a Madoff the soft touch” with these types of publicist-driven stories. Journalists like Diana B. Henriques of the New York Times indulge us with the perspective of how the Madoff name (which carries implicit guilt) became too big a burden to bear for the troubled Mark Madoff providing the opportunuty for the WSJ to