Florida International University frat brothers suspending for drug dealing on facebook.

Florida International University has gone on to suspend fraternity brothers Pi Kappa Alpha for discussing drug dealing, hazing, and teenagers' boobs at length on...

The Blot Magazine: Scandal, ennui and the unconventional.

"What it comes down to," explains the Blot Magazine's editor in chief and publisher, Neil St Clair "is that we make you think and...

Did Merrill Lynch kill Moritz Erhardt?

Intern, Moritz Erhardt dies after working all the night for Merrill Lynch. In the aftermath of one ambitious intern Moritz Erhardt's death, questions are now...

Model, Elena Chernyakova, had photos taken of her by doctor whilst she was in...

23 year old model, Elena Chernyakova has gone on to file a suit against a doctor after he went on to post photos he...

British drug mules wait sentence. Refused bail. Face 3 years in no man’s land.

British drug mules Melissa Reid and Michaella McCollum Connolly, both 20, are said to have stood in front of court today on charges of...

Oh really? Socialite, Taylor Stein sentenced to 19 days of picking up trash.

Socialite, Taylor Stein has found herself in the unsavory position of having recently been asked to spend 19 days community service (aka picking up...

Syrian rebels claim Assad government kills 1300 with nerve gas, claims denied.

  NSFW: Here is a video of a Syrian priest being beheaded in front of a cheering crowd. Video: Syrian rebel commander cuts out and eats...

Elementary school teacher, Cynthia Ambrose sentenced to 30 days jail after telling students to...

Elementary school teacher, Cynthia Ambrose now faces the prospect of never been allowed to teach again after having been sentenced to a 30 day...

British tourist, Sian Green run over by taxi now to have more of her...

British tourist, Sian Green is now facing further horror as it is now being revealed the innocent 23 year old bystander is to now...

Nicola Peate disclocates jaw after biting into oversized ‘Fat American’ burger.

Nicola Peate managed the near impossible recently when she went on to dislocate her jaw after biting into a triple-patty 'Kids in America Burger' at...

Intern, Moritz Erhardt dies after working all the night for Merrill Lynch.

Did Merrill Lynch kill Moritz Erhardt? Intern, Moritz Erhardt has died after working extraordinary long hours for investment bank Merrill Lynch in the East London...

Confessions of a Hamptons nanny: Crazy moms who can’t boil water…

An anonymous Hamptons nanny has gone on to spill the beans as life as a nanny to upwardly mobile New Yorkers who live in...

Autistic teen Max Begley receives hate letter suggesting he be euthanized.

A Canadian family has been left distraught after receiving an anonymous letter telling them that they should euthanize their severely autistic son, Max Begley. The...

So Scallywag turns 46. Happy birthday to a tabloid hack I wonder…

One of the privileges of having one's own blog is that they get to write and explore what they will. Which is why two...

Study: Drinking 4 cups of coffee or more might kill you.

According to a newly released study, drinking four cups of coffee or more might end up killing you, but only if you are under...