Sally Shan- the Girl that could. Part 2.

We here at Scallywag and Vagabond have been amused, flabbergasted and intrigued by the depth of response given our recent coverage of this wonderful...

Pre-Fashion Week Fuss- Loris Diran.

Last Thursday marked the much-anticipated launch of Loris Diran’s flagship store. “My Goodness, there are a lot of people here!” remarked the glowing designer...

Kithe Brewster: Style Director Visionary. If only you could be as talented…

Kithe Brewster doesn’t have to try. What he does is breathe, relate, reflect and look into your soul. It is this sensibility and awareness...

If only you were as Glamorous as us!

I am in the business of covering of all things that are glamorous. Or perhaps I should preface this by saying “I am in...

Recession Depression: Why Reality (TV) Bites.

"I need to stop spending like an heiress", she said as she exited the cafe on the corner. Who she was I haven't the...

A paparazzo turns up to Moeller Snow Gallery.

The taxi dropped us at the Moeller Snow Gallery on Bond Street minutes before 9:00.  Outside stood a crowd of dapper gentlemen, one of...

Fixx Invictus; life of an aspiring Paparazzo.PAPER MAG launch.

Tuesday night, Mother Nature made good on Punxsutawney Phil’s promise that there would be 6 more weeks of winter.  Over ice-covered sidewalks, blinded by...

Kenny Kenny and Alanah misbehave….again.

What’s a boy or for that matter a girl, or someone caught in between to do? Last Friday this Scallywag dropped by the monthly...

Sally does Donald TRUMP.

What do you get when you mix black tie accoutrement, Donald Trump’s United World Bar, a young socialite who has pull (the very affable...

James Willis: The Great White Shark finally comes in.

I’ve just arrived at James new chic abode, and the first thing I notice is the porno red leather sofa which he is admiring...

Russian Speed-Dating Would Make My Uncle Smile

My uncle Nikolai has been building castles in the sky around the idea of me marrying a traditional Russian girl since my immaculate and...

The Culture of Self Help.

What is self-help? Does it work? And why do we buy it? We here at Scallywag and Vagabond get a kick out of self-exploration so...

Bizarre Encounters

The ONES. Photography by Mark Reay. There is nothing that could have prepared me for the fantastic freak show that was Mel’s World. Hosted last Thursday...
Cosmopolitan: Gender roles

Gender roles: How to Please your Man and other Myths

Who' really calling the shots between the sexes? What’s in gender role? Who’s exploiting who? And is acting like a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ just...

The Green Conspiracy.

Is going green a sham? Saving the environment is quite the noble sentiment, but with all the faddish vegan diets, eco-friendly couture and designer...