Home Nightlife New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) celebrates its 40th Anniversary “Hall...

New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) celebrates its 40th Anniversary “Hall of Fame” Benefit


Honored guests included: film maker Todd Haynes, patron of the arts Kathleen O’Grady, Editor-in-Chief of Dance Magazine Wendy Perron, and acclaimed photographer/artist Andres Serrano.

Special Remarks: Eric Fischl, Jane Philbrick, Stephen Petronio, and Christine Vachon.

Notable Guests: Sarah Arison, Donald Baechler, Casey Fremont, Diego Garcia, April Gornik, Judith M. Hoffman, Allegra Kent, Yvon Lambert, Karline Moeller, Alex McCord & Simon van Kempen, Max Snow, Carlos Toretta, Vanessa & Victoria Traina, and Timo Weiland.

Todd Haynes
Timo Weiland.