Home Fashion The good and the plain ugly- dressed at this years OSCARS.

The good and the plain ugly- dressed at this years OSCARS.




With the usual pony show ensemble that has become de rigeur amongst celebrities looking to max out their exposure on national TV and into our our collective hearts (not to mention the designer’s who have made it a calling to align themselves with those celebrities that will help keep them in our conscious as well) the stakes at last night’s OSCAR’s to outshine were never higher. After all it’s one thing to win an OSCAR, but another thing to have the tabloids judge you as best and worst dressed and by extension into the good or bad graces of a public looking for a hero. Assuming a hero can be created by the meticulous ability to present oneself as worthy of adulation. 

That said, here is our round up of the merry go round that passes for cultural elucidation and our collective fascination of our how the other half live- and whether they are indeed worthy of our adulation or scorn. After all, once a celebrity always a show pony. Shall we then…

The Best and Worst Dressed of the 2011 Golden Globes.

The Best and Worst Dressed of the 2011 SAG Awards.

The holier than thou- the damn good- 

Halle Berry.

Halle ‘never mind my public child custody spats’ Berry. What can I and the chipmunks say- but scrumptious. Her public life might be in a tailspin, but her ability to strut the planks never goes out of style. Paying homage to Ms Berry in her champagne outfit- we salute the girl who keeps bouncing from the dregs. Kudos Ms Berry.



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