Home Scandal and Gossip Bill Clinton decides to raffle himself off to pay off Hillary’s debt.

Bill Clinton decides to raffle himself off to pay off Hillary’s debt.

The Punch and Judy show loves you.

The Punch and Judy show loves you.

Why bother using your $109 million earnings when you can get the public to take care of the bill?

In the newest adventures of the Bill and Hillary show comes the latest campaign to figure out how to sleaze out of Hillary’s failed presidential bid debts. The Times of London explains the latest comedy act:

There are many ways to pay off campaign debts — cajoling phone calls, begging letters — but Bill Clinton believes that he has come up with a better method to wipe out the financial obligations outstanding from his wife’s failed presidential bid.

He is raffling himself. In an e-mail sent to millions of people who supported Hillary Clinton’s White House campaign, the former President asks: “How would you like the chance to come up to New York and spend the day with me?” For those who would like the One-Day-With-Bill prize, an online donation of as little as $5 (£3) will buy them the chance.

Is this a new Punch and Judy episode that we’re suppose to take seriously? What’s next? Bill and Hillary selling fillet mignon sandwiches on the sidewalk for $40 000 to knock off Hillary’s $771 000 debt?

By 2007, seven years after leaving the White House, the Clintons had earned a combined $109 million (£73 million) through speaking engagements and bestselling memoirs. Even so, apparently they would prefer American voters to settle Mrs Clinton’s remaining $771,000 debt rather than paying it themselves.

We even did the math. $109,000,000 less $771, 000 still leaves you $108, 229,000. Is there something we’re missing? Does that mean Bill and Hillary can only afford to eat $40 000 finger licking rump sandwiches 2725 times as opposed to 2705.725 times for the rest of their lives? Like you we can see the dilemma and how much it must be irking Punch and Judy.

This is the second time in a year that Mr Clinton has offered himself as a lottery prize to whittle down his wife’s debt, something that makes some of their supporters cringe.

In any case we’re betting that there are going to be a lot of uneaten rump sandwiches, but isn’t that half the fun of throwing a big fat party that you refuse to pay the bill for?

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