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Hollywood Mistresses, Hollywood Moguls and the newest courtroom drama appearing on your TV screen soon…


about publishers, Mr Nederpelt is hardly game to sit down and take it on the chin, and is already getting ready for a protracted legal fight, because as we all know in America nothing sells better than a book that’s been contested by Hollywood celebrity and the court system. Particularly when the topic revolves around smut, pernicious behavior and trading one’s cleavage for money and society favors. Never mind spelling mistakes…

What makes the current fiasco breath taking is the fact the topic that the book seeks to explore is somehow pandemic in our wider culture. As any astute observer can point out the cultural terrain is replete with episodes of girls trying to make it more and more based on their looks and access to Hollywood icons and the media. On one level this type of behavior defies the efforts of feminists who pushed for the independence and emancipation of females but on another perversely reinforces it as females increasingly seek the validation and affirmation of certain sporting and celebrity heroes – golf legend Tiger Woods and actor Charlie Sheen for example who have recently seen their share of rotating females who have all perversely profited from being associated with being the undisclosed femme fatale in private quarters.

It’s perhaps this low brow behavior (which the media has succeeded in turning to a hot pursuit for a lot of young women…because let’s face it there is money to be made and reality shows to star in, just ask – Rachel Uchitel) that has the Zemeckis camp overtly concerned and threatening to block the book. It might after all be the way of the future, but not the type of future that a powerful Hollywood house wants to publicly sanction. Not just yet anyway…

If the story is to make any real sense one has to make an exploratory inquiry as to what initially inspired Staar to write her book, HOW TO LIVE LIKE A MISTRESS (And Reap the Rewards!), to what degree she actually practiced some of the home truths she espouses and how all