Home Nightlife Fixx hangs out with John Varvatos.

Fixx hangs out with John Varvatos.



Goldilocks asks me what I think and reply, “Out of the four, the Portwood is the best, but I can’t say any of them are just right. So how did you get this gig?”

“Oh I just love scotch. I’d love to create my own some day.”

“Big change from porridge I guess.”

She knows that I know, but she still has no idea who I am, who I was, and it suddenly occurs to me that I too have a job to do. I make a round downstairs and admire the many photos of past rock legends like the Rolling Stones and The Who. It seems to be the common theme in this modern world, using other people’s stories to retell your own. I can’t continue to harbor my hostility towards Robert Southey or Goldilocks even. Neither would exist without my existing first, and neither would the fantastic collection by John Varvatos exist without these gods of rock who adorn the walls. They have inspired and I am pleased that I have inspired, now I just wish that someone would inspire me.

John Varvatos.

Back upstairs I am trying on sunglasses when to my left, on the fragrance counter I notice a tube of concealer for men and it is this that I really must ask John about.

F.I.: Hello John, pleasure to meet you. Just a few questions if I may. What is the purpose of the event?

JV: Well my good friend John Allen is throwing the event. We share the same type of customers so it’s a good way to introduce each other’s clientele to each other products.

FI: I noticed you had a makeup for men near your fragrances, why?

JV: It’s not make up. It’s a concealer. It’s used to remove the dark circles under your eyes if you’ve had a late night out or not enough sleep.

FI: But if you wipe it off you still have dark circles, right?

JV: Yes…

FI: That’s make up. Why do you think men are using the means of women to make themselves attractive these days?

JV: Everyone is different. Modern men just like to take better care of themselves than they used to. It doesn’t make them less of a man. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to talk to other guests.

FI: oh wait, one last question, please?

JV: Go on..